Bundle Deal: Two Bottles for the Price of One
Experience both the iconic Louis XIII and Rémy Martin XO in this exclusive bundle, offering two world-renowned bottles for the price of one. Perfect for collectors or as a generous gift, this exceptional pairing delivers unmatched quality and value.
Louis XIII Cognac 700ml
Louis XIII is the epitome of luxury cognac, crafted from over 1,200 eaux-de-vie aged up to 100 years. This legendary spirit, with its complex layers of floral and fruity notes, is a true masterpiece, offering a taste of history and unparalleled refinement.
Rémy Martin XO Cognac 750ml
Rémy Martin XO brings a bold yet smooth experience, showcasing notes of ripe fruits, subtle spices, and the finest aged eaux-de-vie. With its rich flavors and exceptional depth, Rémy Martin XO is celebrated as one of the finest XOs available.